Stevie Bothor…
…researches by internalising and performing. STEVIE surrounds themself with props (objects), space, their craft (embodiment) and fellow players (people). STEVIE documents this with the tools of photography, text, drawing and installations that they call Zeiträume. STEVIE lives in Berlin.
Currently STEVIE is Mapping the Land they lives on and is developing the state of being remontant Fury, a glitch, an in-between, that emerges from 101 Voices.
STEVIE represents themself.
Paradis Sauvage …
is the vivid Archive where STEVIE researches and collects what STEVIE discovers. Fragmentary assortments without any claim to completeness. STEVIE researches and collects radically subjectively.
The field studies are divided as follows: Number_ParadisSauvage:Meta/respective study. So far, STEVIE has been | and still is | studying 4 different fields:
01_PS:M/M- (Maedchen) The connection between person and object
02_PS:M/G- (Game) The playing person | Homo Ludens
03_PS:M/I- (Island) The connection between person and nature
04_PS:M/R - (Remontancy) the alteritarian person
Since 2012 STEVIE experiences every year a different state of interest. So far embodied Topics:
the year of…
...Being24|7Online (2008-2009)
BeingPoly (2011-2012)
(first official fieldwork) AbandonmentOfChemicalAdditives [(2012-2013)
GoingZeroWaste (2013-2014)
LivingWithoutMoney (2014-2015)
BeggingForMoney (2015-2016 | canceled after 2 Month)
NoLies (2016-2017)
LivingALifeOfTheHomoLudens (2017-2018)
SquattingParadise (2018-2019)
DoNotUseAnyMeansOfTransport (2019 | 3 month experience )
RadicalAging (LettingTheIdeaOf YourSelfGo) (2020)
TheBeautifulStrongWoman (2021-2022)
TheYearsOfTakingAPause (2022-2024)
MappingtheLandonInstagram (2024-2025)
Preperation (2025-2026)
TheStateOfBeingReomantantFury – ACartographyOfOtherness (2026-2027)
Mapping The Land 02. 2024- 20.02. 2025 | Instagram
Measuring the ground beneath your feet, the everyday angles, sounds and colours that surrounding you. A digital diary / Weekly. 52 Entries.